It's quit a long time I'm yearning to write to you..Are you still keeping tracks of my life? are you caring about my recent moods? Something assures me yes !
Sailor..! Sail me home ..... Sailor I'm alone...
You see my boat over head on that roaring sea? Oh..yes ..that's it..a bunch of loosely tied together pieces of sticks ,aimlessly floating on that black sea, exhilaratedly watching around in anticipation to see if possibly you turn up from somewhere...If possibly you get on board, telling my poor boat where to head off to ! If you are here , the whole world is here..If you're here, the whole spirit of the world gets poured in my little garden of heart..If you're here, Love turns up again !
Dear Sailor ! These trembling hands no longer can keep the boat in charge..I've lost the map ! My week eyes can no longer recognize the path by staring at those guiding stars! Where have those stars vanished?
You see that breathtaking tornado over head? Ow I fear it sailor..I fear myself..i fear missing you..
How at times I plead it to have you in front of me , telling about the Yes and No's !
Some thing whispers in my ear : " Go back Girl ...Get back to the coast..there's no way in that furious sea..there's no aim ..there's no way! "...But right at that time , another thing reminds me of my goals beyond the sea, of my responsibilities! The obligation that shakes my hands, shakes my whole body .. I vividly sense the weight of it on my trembling shoulders !
Keep me that innocent creature ! Keep me that former sea surfer ! Don't let the severeness of the sea wind scratch on my soul ..Don't let it capture my whole being ! Let me Stay Yours !
Sailor ! Sail me home...Sailor ! I'm alone !
you'll be a great great writer some day! I assure you...
The other comment didn't "take" or get added yet...so here's another try...
This is a fresh, exciting and compelling way to write and I love it! Keep these coming...
All the best!
Thanks to all who expressed their interest in my writings..My lines are just a bunch of heart-originating words , i get in mood of writing at times !...They calm me..They give me good vibes !
انا لا اعلم لغة الافرنجیة ولکن یحب المکتوبات ال
معزلیة! شکراْ جزیلا
طیب الله
ای الکلام حسن !
لو قدرتُ علی التکلم بالغه العربیه ، لکنت اکتب مقالاتی فیها !!
احب ایّ اللغه ...
احب الامور ثقافیه جزیلا !
شکرا !
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