Heart-originating words .....
Dear Dear creator ...
Can't turn up my head to stare at your eyes..and what can be worse?
Can't call you in that former hearty manner..and what can be worse ?
Remember those days ?.. me groaning ,moaning ..you caressing me in that usual lovely manner... reassuring me of the things going on so well...at times appearing in my path as if to reconfirm your true friendship... and how I'd fall into wonders at times...How at times I'd start adoring you !!! How I liked our talks ... How i loved being like such a spoilt child, dangling from their parents suits , insisting on having those dolls shining in that luxurious toy store ! ... And you'd buy me that doll as if you wished me to stay your toddler for ever..
But when I happened to learn to walk on my own ... right the time I thought I can buy myself all those lovely sparkling stuff around ... I took my hands off those suits and arrogantly took my own way ...
Go ..gooo ... I'd wish to see if that path is ever gonna reach a destination...
Remembering my beloved piece of poetry : Get back my heart! ..Get back!...This path's story is just too long ... Get back ... I'm badly in need of a heart like you !
Feel much lighter ... heh ... :) seems like you're turning up again ...by the way , would you buy me that doll ? ;)
just never go away ! promise ?.. would you force me not to break my promise too ?! :D .. You're aware of the degree of my being spoilt ! :D
Hearts to You !
هرچند در گذر دهر لطف لطافت از کف بدادیم اما چون طفیلی را در کوی و برزن این دهشت سرا باز بینیم در خنده ای کودکانه شریک شادی هایش می شویم شاید صفرای سودای سنگدلیمان را پاره ای بکاهد
اما هیچ گاه آرزوی کودکی نخواهم کرد چون می دانم اگر هزاران بار نیز گوهر معصومیت کودکانه را به من ببخشند باز هم در این دیر پر فتن جامه به صد می رنگین خواهم آلود
Wow is right! And here's how...for me you've captured the experience of knowing unconditional love and of wanting/asking for this to return...how wise and how precocious...yet available to any of us no matter how young or how old...
What a gift...
Shafique Sahib is so right about WHO is able best to know and experience love and truth!!!
We look forward to reading more from you~
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