Thursday, July 1, 2010

Human, from cradle to grave ....

These days, the summer leisure time lets us have some time to ponder about many of fundamental things that the hectic life never lets us contemplate on!..Yeah .. Many of us have probably forgotten the cradle where we got brought up!
The other night was one of those special nights ... Having long long talks with mom till late in the midnight was something I really was really yearning for. Hearing about the days when I hadn't yet got the chance to step into the world, about the difficulty of life, sufferings of a mother giving birth for her first experience and difficulties of bringing up a baby besides having a job, were all the things that put me into deep thoughts... Hearing that I would one day rejoice having been bought a new pair of shoes and listening to the story of my illnesses in childhood and my weakness, all shout to me that "What a negligible creature I used to be!". Under God's shelter and compassion I was granted a pair of human, called parents, who took the burden of bringing me up and so I flourished!
One the other hand ,there are stories of those who ,in stead of flourishing, went down the road of life to where it brought about weakness and debility to them !... It is just the photo album that keeps in his chest, the heroic days of their youth... Those days are even getting erased from the minds of the nearby relatives.
That's it, the most natural process of humanity ! The process of inching your way from the cradle to the grave... Although this process is too natural to be doubted or disbelieved, many of us still forget that " we were nothing at first and finally shall turn into nothing as well ! "

If only we think of our seconds more precious than discarding it in return of the least price ever, if we more cherish the moments we are together and remember that this togetherness wont last forever... If only we remember that heart-touching sentence of the holy Qoran saying : "Creating you in your mothers' wombs, creation after creation beneath three levels of darkness... This is how your Lord is. So where are you heading off to ? "... If Only so, We won't head off to the wrong destination !


Thinking said...

hmm...unfortunately...I dont remember the time of my being in cradle yet I belived that my mother had suffer too much for me...only by watching other mothers bring their children to world...

Same way I have learned that one day I have to say goodbye to this world...

But I have my faith on my MAKER...ALLAH is so Merciful and Generous that since He took me alive from womb...He will help me in my grave too....

Only I have to be on HIS path...and we can easily be distracted as we have not seen what we belive is true....

Recently...someone enlighten me...while I was listening to music wearing my are litnening to music...Allah will never forgive you for that....

I shruddle and murmerd only that I am sorry if you think like that...

I have faith on my Allah...lets hope...HE will let me go through the passage easily...

I know we are feeble creatures...but my hopes are higher...

Thanks alot for reminding of such reality....

علی said...

Title of your post tempted me that it should be about "from cradle to grave search for the knowledge" (I'm not sure about the translation). I believed that every body has his/her story, one day was started by a letter and one day will be finished by a dot, a little dot.
people usually don't like boring and also sad stories so let's write an unbelievable legendary story of a human being named ... with a great beginning and a better ending.
happy life

CN said...

Plz do keep your insightful and deeply spiritual while humble posts coming. I miss these when I don't see them from you...

Also, I'd love to know how you who have a natural inclination for the contemplative life of prayer are able to coordinate your growing expertise in technical skills you are learning at university and elsewhere? I would love some of your advise.

All the Best in ALL you do and ARE...

Mahsa Mohammadi said...

Thank you all ! :)

@ dear Thinking !
Hopeful comment! I always like it thinking like that. It is very very true that our Lord is ALOT more compassionate to us than we deserve.. But still the better we are, the kinder he becomes and the better future's waiting for us our there! we're mostly living a quiet life in which we have a little bit of goodies and a little of bad habits as well..This is not bad ... but i always wished i had a special life rather than simply a quiet one ... special in being GOOD !

Mahsa Mohammadi said...

@ Mr Ali:
Thank U ! yeah ... lets get amused with legends .. that's what all our lives have so far been ! :)

@ Dear Connie :
Ow dear friend ! Thank you for ur encouraging comments .. I got really shy reading your admiration..I really don't deserve all these! :)
I'll promise to update my blog every a few days but just can't be sure about it ! U know what ... All these posts have been triggered by a special happening, s special thing someone said, a kind of memory turning up in my mind ..or I in brief, by special sensations :)
So, sometimes it takes time for the next sensation to turn up ;)
Well, dear about ur question ... I don't have anything in particular to mention! honestly , I have nothing to say..i live my quiet simple life.. going to university, dealing with my lessons, projects and assignments ( now i'm in summer holiday ..thanks to Lord), have my leisure time with friends ... and sometimes,in the meanwhile, my attentions get drawn to some points of life ... I donno.. they just happen ! :)
I am too young to be giving advice dear friend ... too younger than having anything to share ;)

tamnat said...

It was interesting to read these thoughts.
Life is often comprared with a journey. It depends on us what destination we will arrive at in the end, what memories of us will stay on when we are gone.

Mahsa Mohammadi said...

My dear Tamara !
It's all a matter of choice how and where we'll end up in the end...Hope we'll make it a nice end for the story ! ;)

tamnat said...

I also hope we will!