SmartSis !
Be strong! Keep up your spirits girl !... If the loneliest of all, There's at least one who believes in you and backs you as long as you're on the right track!
He's hearing every single word you say and knows whatever of hidden stuff that resides in thy chest! He won't leave a "Hi" without giving back one !
hmm..beautiful post.
He is not least...if HE is on our side means we dont need anyone else on our side matter of fact...
And HE always follow the true and innocent hearts no matter what they are pondering on....
hmmm...it is just like BLOGS...our lives...
When we started them....we found one fellow following our life non-publicaly already...
who that might be...we think to ourselve...
HE is silent...HE is mute...HE is hidden...
But HE is always there...which all the times give me strength to go on...and to continue....
hmm...a very good post...as usuall...
Dear Thinking!
I liked your right reply ... now that I think about it I'd say I agree with you..He's not the least ..If we have him it means we've got the most and best of things!!
Thank you for being around friend ! :)
Hope he's always having his eyes on us, taking care of us !
Dear Mahsa
Your calling me FRIEND...makes me feel so good and happy....
Thank you so much for such honor dear one.
I am happy that your posts always give strength to my belief on my MAKER.
Thank you so much !
Nice post! Keep it up SmartSIS! ;;)
By the way, we have so many good days in this month (rajab), so please remember all your friends (including me) in your prayers.
Smart Sis,
You may like to remember what Nezami Ganjavi says in Layli-o-Majnoon:
دل تنگ مباش اگر کست نیست
من کس نیم اخر؟ این بست نیست؟
فریاد ز بیکسی نا رایست
کاخر کس بیکسان خدا است
I guess you can translate this for other readers of your blog :)
Thank you B!G bro :)
agar ghabel bashim hatman ! az shoma ham eltemaade doa !:)
Thank you Khorram Ali !
It was very interesting for me to realize that Pakistani people also read his poetry and even know Persian!...nice ! :)
Very very touching poem !
من کس نیم آخر ؟ این بست نیست ؟
I liked the above sentence more than all !!
[I am your companion! Isn't that enough?]
I would love to know the rest of the translation. I'm sure I will like how Nezami Ganjavi's piece fits in with this discussion.
That's the full translation :
Don't feel blue if you're alone.
Am i not your companion? Isn't that enough?
It's not fair to moan about being alone
Since God is the companion of the loneliest !
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