Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SmartSis-kind Wishes

The importance of human being compared to that of other species; has all along been due to his ability to choose, decide and live a self-made life. Its been clearly declared in holy books that human beings are constantly being examined ... they're facing dilemmas every now and then, thinking of possible solutions and choosing the best that fits they priorities !
Yes ! This is what we ought to be .. this is what makes us different ! ..We build up our lives the way we want !

But , Have you not ever moaned about the difficulty of it ? Have you not ever felt the weight of pressure that pushes against you while you're caught in a condition not knowing what to do? Have you not ever sighed :"Couldn't you come down Lord for a while and show me the right way? "
.. Now when I track down the problem to the very small possible reasons; I start realizing that It's been all my fault .. You are indeed very close Lord , How come I don't see or hear you at times ?
Today I clearly reached to the truth of the sentence saying : " Lord ! Do I have any one but you?" ... Yes , there's indeed no one who's as caring , as close and as lovely as you !
Forgive me for the sins that bring about miseries ! Forgive me for the sins that make my requests get rejected ! Forgive me for the sins that take away the blessings .... Lord ! forgive me for all sins I did ..
If only you give me back those innocent eyes that could see signs of you wherever they would take a glance on ... If only you give me back those ears which had your voice in the background of whatever they heard ! .. If only you call me a close friend of yours again ...
Then , The whole spirit of the world will get poured within my soul !


علی said...

You are going to be a great Mystic.
Good for you
Eltemas e Doa

Mahla said...

So Great Dear Mahsa
I repeat these words always after relieving from a problem but very soon forget them.
But I am so happy for you...
Good luck honey

Thinking said...

hmm...very true indeed...Masha...

Good to read you...you are my constant inspiration....

Thank you so much....

Mahsa Mohammadi said...

to Mr Ali :
mohtajim be 2a !

to Dear Mahla:

to Dear Thinking:
Thanks alot ... It's indeed enlightening hearing so,
By the way, I guess the name "Masha" must be a popular name in several nations in the middle east since a fair number of my friends who're not Iranians write "Masha" instead of "Mahsa" :) I got interested about this name!;)

CN said...

Dear Mahsa,

Your questions may sound unusually spiritual and rare to many on a steady basis, yet I can hear your heart cry to some extent. And I know your longing is real. Y

ou have actually experienced this Divine friendship as many have - yet perhaps more often...and when such a sense of this Friend unlike any other has been so known, the loss is great indeed...

...and Who makes all others and all of life's challenges in some ways more tolerable if not wondrously beautiful?

Yes, then that is a great temporary loss.

I am unable to get to my personal diary but when I first read this post of your's early in the week, I rewrote a song from childhood and put it in my "notebook"

I will come back Insha Allah soon to write the words here for you.

One line for now is "All my confusion, He understood..."

CN said...

This is not the poem I had planned to put here but I feel that you may like this one for today:


Those who fed the human depths
Those who saw and see you, me,
Our ONE soul...

The ones who may be looking at you, at me now -
Eyes shining, smiling...

They may have had a dark life -
Some kind of prison -

Maybe one was blind,
or deaf? Or without taste?

Perhaps one was a wild lively one confined to a dark barn, or worse yet laboring 12 hours a day on cotton farm or in a sweat shop?

Maybe he never head music
just the steel clang
of a moldy prison?

What about imprisonment
in a kitchen all day every day?

Or the one who was celled in a study on a life or death deadline?

What if the one smiling at us right now once a young woman chained to a brothel -who prayed for those who pretend love?
What if she too had
bad hair and bad prayer days?

Wasn't she still a lover?

These were often alone...yet were they?

They may have been isolated
in the extreme,

They may never have seen the sun
nor the cornflower blue of sky,
nor breathed the honeysuckle and lavendar...

Nor known actual human love heart to heart or flesh to flesh...

Yet they each and all took wing...

TOOK! Hear?

They MADE the impossible become possible...

They all found heaven
and re-found it again and again...

They had all taken wing...
ALL of them took wing.


This poem was written especially for SmartSis not because you have experienced much or any of the above but you have such a deep heart for Allah that you surely have read of or met such sisters and brothers and will again.

Posted midday in my Spring on the last day of April 2010.

By Connie L. Nash - upon resuming my poetic heart by touching your heart. Since I just wrote the poem here under your post, I may revise it later.:)

Mahsa Mohammadi said...

Dear Dear Connie !

How can I not be of great gratitude to you for such divine affection you bestow my posts ! :)

They took heart ... yup , many did and still many will ... the convention of life though not at all very compatible with our tender hearts ! ... What sort of feeling are we aught to start having while thinking about such natural happenings in human life ? grieve their departure? Start loving others for the short time that is left till the end of the story or start getting fearful about what mysterious adventure is gonna take place out there to us, once it is our turn ?
Ow ... Laboring or pleasuring time's going on a breakneck speed , so is our opportunities, So why not spending it in a way that remembering each single past second, bring about pride to us ?..Why not going the road in a way that approaches us to a deserving destination ... Yes, I know they're all good to happen but ... But sometimes I think I've not yet clearly found out the right path ..Sometimes I start wondering if I'm not wasting up my time .. Sometimes People go a way that can never get back to the beginning point ! "Don't let us be in that group Lord ! " :)

Thank you alot and alot !
That meant alot to me friend :)


connie nash said...

Dear Friend:

What deep, lovely yet yearning questions...which off and on I also have had all of my life and some days I still do.

Although you are much younger, you still have so much to teach me...that "first love" for Allah...that purity and trust.

So I will only now tell you just a little freshly spoken from my heart (and then go to the next comment or two for direct answers to your deep questions...

To follow the FRIEND...GOD/LOVE who is at your particular moment giving voice through the still small voice, perhaps a poet, a book, someone near, the Holy Book...some way you recognize inside your deepest truest understanding...

And if that is missing, just to wait and if need be for critical reasons to simply go through the simplist list of principles you know before you make your choice - of course, make your own simple list if needed - one or two of these or more if you may generally need reminder:

ie Is this true? Is this of faith? Is this my best? Is this of Love & Kindness? Am I assuming? Am I taking things too personally? Am I experiencing peace within whether difficult or easy? Can I wait to make my choice for more prayer, reflection/meditation/silence and Allah's direction? Is this of forgiveness, acceptance if needed? Is this of firm rejection - not of person yet of the request (if needed for sake of your own need for prayer, quiet, moral standing)?

Meantime, tell me a little more and we can discuss more specifically...

My answers to your questions follow...

connie nash said...

Here are my more direct answers to your questions (yet they are spoken in humility and caution until I know more specifics):

Your Question: What sort of feeling are we aught to start having while thinking about such natural happenings in human life ? grieve their departure?

My Humble answer: We cannot predict our feelings...so that is why we must grieve in some way that will find some measure of healing, peace and giving the loved one back to Allah in trust...This may take some time. I understand that there is a Sufi tradition of working with a spiritual guide or Imam whom is known trustworthy...there is a set time for the grieving to be over so that we can then chose a way to bring healing to others out of that loss...personal to our own prayers...

Your Question: Start loving others for the short time that is left till the end of the story or start getting fearful about what mysterious adventure is gonna take place out there to us, once it is our turn ?

My Humble Answer: Again, you know that we cannot know the future to any large extent...so to keep giving our fear over to God over and over again...in trust...a saint once said to me that long-term fear we hang on to is "pragmatic disbelief" (in Allah) so I want to be one who trust's Him and I know you do as well. That is where we can CHOOSE.

One more comment next :)

connie nash said...

Your question: Ow ... Laboring or pleasuring time's going on a breakneck speed , so is our opportunities, So why not spending it in a way that remembering each single past second, bring about pride to us ?..

Me: Yes, dear, you have such an amazing grasp of the whole picture and feel the speed of life and how limited and fragile and YES how beautiful to savor each moment as if timeless as much as possible...

Your Question: Why not going the road in a way that approaches us to a deserving destination ... Yes, I know they're all good to happen but ...

Me: YES, we can only choose the way we see as best at the time, we will make mistakes yet also run across unexpected GRACE...

Sometimes my little brain and even intentions "short-circuit" until I have to just pray and say..."It's Your Turn Allah" I can't figure this hour, this day out...so just let me follow YOU...show me the path." He does this...he DOES take over...it's lovely. I have many personal stories that remind me HE WAS THERE...

Yours: But sometimes I think I've not yet clearly found out the right path ..Sometimes I start wondering if I'm not wasting up my time ..

ME: I would be doubtful there has ever been anyone on earth who doesn't think the same way many times all their lives...unless they are so arrogant that they can't hear Allah's voice...but don't worry about wasting time...because as long as you Love (however imperfectly) God and seek to love also others as yourself and yourself as others...you can never waste your time, it's impossible...

You: Sometimes People go a way that can never get back to the beginning point ! "Don't let us be in that group Lord ! " :)

Me: Whether in this life or in the eternity of the life to come dear, we will never be in this group as long as we keep getting back to LOVE...if we do that, we WILL keep getting back to the beginning point where we need it...

You are welcome to email me here if you wish:


My Heart for Your Best,

From one lover of Allah to another


Mahsa Mohammadi said...

Dear OneHeartForPeace :)

You sentences were a lot peaceful, lovely and worth reading over and over again !
I had to go through your sentences for a couple of times till i could get sure I'd got the exact meaning you wished to convey Friend ! They were deeper than the simple awkward glossary of my minds' words ! :)

As about your first post ...
I can't agree more! ... If one posses a true eye (an eye that not only recognizes the objects but also can see lights of guidance!) he/she will truly sense the signs of God being around .. If one posses a true ear , he/she will undoubtedly hear him telling him where to put his steps !! Even if one might feel that the burden of life's just too heavy to get along with, if he/she vividly senses that God's hugging him all the way along, not only does he/she not feel the weight of the task, but also rejoices every single moment of doing something that Lord would praise ! .. Yeah, that is true Love that gives meaning to our lives, that gives vitality to every single second..that alleviates the pains and duplicates the joys ...

But we're all human, not an angel who's seeing God every moment so that no single double might ever shake its heart .. not an Imam who sees God with the eye of his heart.. So it is natural to take week steps at times , to make simple mistakes every now and then ! to do something and then start regretting right after that ... These are our built-in features, so we a life with them !
So one might ask : Being a human like many others , how could we overcome the hard conditions in our lives while lacking the blessing of having him Very directly there ? .. If asking me , I'd say : " That is what makes us different from other creatures ! "
The value of human being is defined as the following : What ever of niceties that human have reached, have been due to their own choices .. not at all an accidental guidance ! They chose the path the way they wished. If it happens to be the choice that Lord praises, He'll shower us with his blessing from then on till the end of the way ! But still I'd say , we must take the very first step by our own !


Mahsa Mohammadi said...

Even though I've got to post my course project by 12 o'clock tonight and still having half of it undone ; I couldn't stop writing a reply after i read about your kind caring faithful posts friend ! :)
I am happy I set up SmartSis blog.. That's where I can find somewhere to write down words that rush to my mind. Thanks to God I've got kind readers like you who put on reading my posts and give opinions on them! I'd appreciate brainstorms about such subjects !
It appears that these are some basic principles that human must learn before everything . otherwise I personally don't find enough motivation to carry on :)


Mahsa Mohammadi said...

I'll go on writing replies to your nest answers after i get sure I can make head or tails of this soon-to-submit assignment ;)

CN said...

OK dear Mahsa...I read your lovely replies with a few of your questions nestled inside of them.

I will wait until your project is safe into your teacher or director's hands before I reply...

Just one tho't...why do we so often feel that we must learn so much at once? What about letting Love Kindness and Wisdom guide each hour and each day? Ask only what do I need to review or understand anew right now?

CN said...

Am sending you light from my heart of hearts while you finish this phase of your school work...

When I use the words Love, Kindness, Wisdom, of course I am meaning our Allah...yet sometimes others have blocks using that word as it has been so overused...

No hurry yet let me know when you want to resume the discussion?

Mahsa Mohammadi said...

Dear dear Connie !

Thank you again for being here! i'd really appreciate it ..
These Heavenly posts would enrich me with energy to get along with tough times much stronger :)
Seems like my school projects are never-ending ! ..That's the feature of a computer engineering field !..I've almost got used to it !
"why do we so often feel that we must learn so much at once? What about letting Love Kindness and Wisdom guide each hour and each day?"
Yeah .. That's right ... We often feel we're at a haste in life. Though we apparently are; sometimes a short break to get in some fresh air would do a miracle !
I've got too many plans for my summer .. i'm gonna read more books in different fields so that a more get a broad view of my surrounding world ... I think , being 20 and not knowing much besides my field of study is quite an unlikable thing ! ... Getting the sense of Art, getting to know Holy book deeper , refreshing the soul with a touch of poetry .. what about a hint of music? ! These are all I'm gonna embark on to learn ... Mahsa must be much more hardworking to deserve the word "SmartSis " ;)

Thank you friend !
I'll probably be around tonoght, God willingly !

Mahsa Mohammadi said...

Dear Connie ,

It was lovely reading your answers.. and how true they were .. !
".because as long as you Love (however imperfectly) God and seek to love also others as yourself and yourself as others...you can never waste your time, it's impossible..."

So i shall smile at the world rejoicing the fact that i have a very strong supporter who's watching me all along ... I'm never gonna lose my way under his supervision ..i'm never gonna be wasting my time ..happy to hear that !

CN said...

So glad to see this and your newest post!!! Yes, I've been here for you heart to heart and spirit to spirit. I'm so glad you say the one line I can say through experience, my own and many others I trust through their poetry and wise words...

I shall return, Insha Allah!

Mahsa Mohammadi said...

> :D <