As the birthday of nature approaches, we naturally start preparing ourselves for another celebration,for another opportunity to have get to-gathers. People go shopping and decorate their homes. It seems like our daily matters tend to vanish all at a time and the only thing that remains to be thought of , is norooz ! This is how nature energizes people !
Besides all these lovely reasons to be happy, some things start murmuring some special thoughts from inside me ... Things that put me in ponder!
Another year has been gone, another Spring's to come ... A year I've grown up , and technically speaking, a year I've got closer to the end !
Ow, Lord ! ... Looking at the last year I find quite many things to be thankful to you! I do find great improvement in myself comparing to the last one..University affairs got more likable and results improved a lot! I got the benefit of presence if a number of university groups and tried out different human communities..I'd say my social view and experiences indeed flourished! Daddy's business condition passed it's critical point. Grand Pa survived from a few serious health conditions..And above all, I got to more seriously think of a grown up life, coping with the difficulties, rejoicing the niceties! ... I had so few signs of the problem I had the other year ... I can now officially state that I'm relieved of it ! How could I not be appreciative ?!
Although It's been all so good Lord , that usual thing is still murmuring some vague sentences inside me .. You know, I still guess that the inherent hollowness that human is born with, is still being carried by me ! ... The dream day would be the day when you fill it for me...
You are the one who created me ..You are the one who put up the bricks of my soul to build me up .. You know about the delicate features of my being , the ones that I may even be unaware of! So who could be of better guidance than you? Who might possibly offer me better choices than you ?! ...
You know about the small and big wishes that are being stored in this chest year after year very well ... You know what makes this incomplete complete. You know what fills this hollowness ... You know which destination would be closer to the end point you set for me !
Being all so HAKIM , Change things for better .. Change things for better !
I like this post so much!I think it's my heart's words! very good Mahsa :)
Sorry! I have a question! Why don't you follow my blog? :-? :-"
Thank you Zahra dearie ... De Marpel :P :P
good question indeed ! .. should bare that in mind :-"
Love You !
Plz tell me more about "the birthday of nature" and I will be back...
Oh, maybe you merely mean SPRING? Anyway, is this an original expression of your's? I like it! Also a beautiful post and the photo is simply amazing and quietly says so very much!
Yeah Connie .. Spring's the birthday of Nature ! .. In Iran and a few more countries people celebrate the beginning of Spring as the new Year occasion called "NoRooz"(new day)
This occasion has been officially registered among the united nation ceremonies ,this year !
I'm now in holidays :)
Hi! Congratulations on the occasion of New year and NoRooz! May the new year brings about more and more success to you and your family.
And may the new year be free from any saddening news for you and everyone.
This was a very nice and inspirational post. Well done!
And thanks!
Thank you brother !
wishing you and all my Iranian friends !
Wishing you all a nice, peaceful, cheerful, beautiful ,bless-ful (blessed :D ) , health-ful(healthy :D) and all the good "ful"s !
Have nice holiday every body !
Greetings Mahsa and a happy NoRooz to you! I was able to be in Iran in 2007 for NoRooz and add that visual memory to my own celebration of the renewal of life.
It is good to find you here. I look forward to returning to Iran one day!
Have a beautiful and peaceful NoRooz, Smart Sis, I should have remembered because I noted it in a post and more last Spring!
And you may like the poem I placed on my blogsite in celebration of this New Year and in compatibility with your own deep, honest and unique spirituality:
http://www.oneheartforpeace.blogspot.com seen as one of few "older people" with the other "original young geniuses" at Republic of Rumi blog
hmm..again a beautiful post Masha...
I must say...the talented writer..
You had speak about your desires at the same time kept the level of humbleness...
A very nice and thoughtful post...
thanks for sharing....
Thank you all encouraging readers :)
These things empowers me to keep the job up ! :)
Thank you !
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