Dear Dear God !
The day you sent my father down on the Earth, i mean my great great Father Adam, you left him on an empty Earth, untouched ground and native land.. He stood on his feet, hunted on his own, fighted on his own, lived alone and died almost alone...though you were all along with him, picking him off the ground at times he would desperately fall down, pressing your hands against his shoulder to assure him of you support...But , besides all, He was alone !
He was courageous. He trusted your helps being all around ! yup !
How lovely it must be for you Dearie God , to see human stretching their hands towards you !...
I am the daughter of that Early father. His blood's being pumped in my veins... He's whispering voice's still in my ears : " Go ahead girl ! Don't worry..it's all like a game..God puts you on the way, you fear going on alone , but at the end you'll have realized that it's been God himself who's all along been holding your hand, telling you where to put your steps"...i have all these hopes in my small mind, and never ever can stand seeing one has broken his promise !
Don't go away..don't go away...Always be around so that i find you by a little turning my head !